About Us

"There's Got To Be A Better Way..."

That was the question that sparked the 5 year journey to today and the launch of our first product, the Quill for Engravers. Stay tuned as we've got some even bigger breakthroughs coming soon.

📷 Images: Quill Prototypes from 2017-2021

Designed and Built in California

It all started after a long-time employee suddenly left, I was faced with the challenge of training a new person on the art of ADA machine engraving. However, even with my extensive background in CNC operation, I found the operations of cutting tactile letters and inserting Braille rasters to be daunting and complex. That's when I decided to embark on a journey to create a new solution.

My goal was to design and build a prototype that met the following criteria:

  • Easy to learn and operate
  • Fast production, at least 10x times faster than current options
  • Affordable, with a price point significantly lower than other machines on the market

Through my efforts, I was able to turn my vision into a reality with the Quill ADA machine. It simplifies the process of creating Braille ADA signs, making it easier and more efficient for businesses to deliver on a more accessible world for the vision impaired.